Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A urgent malady requires a perilous cure!" Guy Fawkes

history channel documentary THE WARREN COMMISSION REPORT: Stated that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the death of President Kennedy. More than 80% of the American individuals observed the report to be imperfect, including myself! Right up 'til the present time (2008) I don't trust that Oswald was the solitary executioner, or might not have been the executioner by any stretch of the imagination. Moreover, 70% of the American individuals think the death was a plot...not a solitary shooter acting alone.

Throughout the years, there have been many fear inspired notions, with respect to who or how Kennedy was shot, much to extensive to go into here. However, in the year 2003, I saw a narrative on PBS, which was an off camera look, as how every one of this could have met up. It was accounted for in the narrative, that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John and Robert Kennedy, went to Chicago, to meet with the Teamsters Union, to attempt to get the Teamsters to vote in favor of his child, John, in the up and coming race with Richard Nixon.

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