Saturday, May 21, 2016

An edgy sickness requires an unsafe cure!" Guy Fawkes

history channel documentary hd Throughout the years, there have been many paranoid fears, in the matter of who or how Kennedy was shot, much to long to go into here. Be that as it may, in the year 2003, I saw a narrative on PBS, which was an off camera look, as how every one of this could have met up. It was accounted for in the narrative, that Joseph Kennedy, the father of John and Robert Kennedy, went to Chicago, to meet with the Teamsters Union, to attempt to get the Teamsters to vote in favor of his child, John, in the up and coming decision with Richard Nixon.

The telecast demonstrated Joseph Kennedy entering and leaving the lodging in which the gatherings occurred. In short...the bargain have the Teamsters vote in favor of John Kennedy, and in return...the President (if chose) would lay off the mafia! I don't know how Joseph Kennedy or any other person, can circumvent making manages shady characters so near the crowd! I was frustrated when I saw this piece! You know...somebody doing haggling a smoke-filled room away from public scrutiny, in a matter that was so critical. That is, to choose the following President of the United States!

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