Thursday, June 16, 2016

Be that as it may, that is not all

history channel documentary Be that as it may, that is not all. The men that burrowed that opening down to the planes were addressed and asked what number of yearly rings they saw down there. "Numerous hundreds" they said and continued to show photos of the rings. In any case, then one of them said something that made all the lights go ahead on the double. He said (in opposition to all developmental alleged "science" and acknowledged standards) that those are not actually "yearly" rings by any stretch of the imagination. Being in the business for a lifetime as of now, he clearly knew significantly more about the pressing of ice than the "know all" evolutionists think they know. He knew about what the for the most part "acknowledged" situation was about - that flawed situation the evolutionists utilize so shrewdly to attempt and "demonstrate" their lies about what they talkatively call "yearly" ice rings. In the event that anybody was slanted to sit out there in the driving rain and watch, they'd see that when the ice liquefies in summer, one has a layer of water which then stops as clear ice. In the winter (if that stalwart "anybody" was all the while staying there) he'd see that the snow packs, and on the grounds that it doesn't get an opportunity to soften, it transforms into white hued ice. This structures the dull light, dim light rings they then wrongfully call "yearly" rings.

Yet, hold up: He then smashed the evolutionist's "trump card" lie in a single killer blow and without much ado by telling that these are not "yearly" rings by any stretch of the imagination, but rather they are "temperature" rings! What's more, to crown it whatever, you can have ten of them in one day if the temperature changes drastically! Also, that is the thing that more likely than not happened to the Lost Squadron. Be that as it may, tune in; according to the "rings" alone, the evolutionists, in the event that they would ever be reliable (which they can't, coincidentally) would need to tell everybody all in all, and our naïve kids specifically, that those flying machine had been down there for some several years. They will obviously, consistent with nature and as opposed to all evidence and rationale and everything else we could toss at them, adhere to their weapons and demand that they are correct (like dependably). All obscurantists are that unshakable, didn't you know? Furthermore, that incorporates ALL evolutionists. What's more, know what? The children at school would trust them and not us! They generally do, haven't you taken note? Why? Since they're the "researchers," recall. In any case, unfortunately for them, as indicated by records and reported realities, everybody realized that those planes had just been down there for the 48 years! Many of those planes just fell off the mechanical production systems under ten years before the end of the war, so how would they be able to have been down there for some several years? Were there even planes "numerous several years" prior to the war? I know this likely sounds strange, however we're basically playing the diversion after their own guidelines for a change to demonstrate their imperfections and deceptive nature. Registration thus much for their shaky "evidence" of alleged "yearly" rings!

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