Thursday, June 30, 2016

The volcanic and electromagnetic varieties will bring about changes

history channel documentary "The volcanic and electromagnetic varieties will bring about changes in our environmental climate and cause expanded gasses and flotsam and jetsam in the air, for example, Oxygen from the steaming of ground and sea water. This would likewise bring about an expansion in particulates in the environment creating expanded probability of super tempests in the method for monstrous precipitation, mists, thunder storms which prompts more prominent increment in lightning strikes bringing about fierce blazes, tornadoes and sea tempests."

In the event that this is genuine then we ought to find in the 1600's an extreme and dangerous climate, volcanic movement and Earthquakes? Does the perceptions of the 1600's demonstrate this? In the event that Mr. Spear Winslow is right then in reality we ought to have likewise seen comparable issues in the 1200's, 800's, 400's and additionally the time from AD to BC on the Christian logbook. Would we be able to make this examination and does Mr. Spear Winslow's hypothesis hold water?Currently we have seen a gigantic Tsunami and Indonesia Earthquake, immense Typhoons, Hurricanes, numerous volcanoes and Earthquakes, and some changing of the electromagnetic field from Earth. Do the past periods in 400-year interims demonstrate the same or comparative?

We realize that the 1600's had a worldwide cooling occasion, from maybe volcanic movement. We know there were numerous volcanoes expounded on and Earthquakes recorded.Could it be that Mr. Spear Winslow perhaps onto something here or is it conceivable that in his hypothesis he fails to specify the likelihood that at times the Earth's center gets hung up or backed off for some time or even moves in an alternate headings bringing on a moderate move, post inversion or change? If so, would we be able to model when this may happen, in the event that it will be slow or fast? We ought to think on this before tolerating Lance Winslow's hypothesis the "Winslow Affect" in his Earth Core Cycle Concept. Think on this.

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