Thursday, June 16, 2016

There are five components that make it difficult to anticipate the future

history channel documentary There are five components that make it difficult to anticipate the future, and it is these five elements that permit lawmakers and their sign-pumping team promoters to bear on long after the unavoidable consequences of their activities ought to have as of now happen. Three of these components have dependably existed: government weapons, government printing presses, and the obliviousness of the masses.The fourth and fifth, be that as it may, are generally new. They are cutting edge innovation and basically boundless obtaining. Insofar as a person can spend more than his as of now misleadingly swelled salary can purchase, he can live in a pleasant house, drive another auto, and encompass himself with electronic contraptions that are what might as well be called Aldous Huxley's somas in his great novel Brave New World.

Innovation is the lawmaker's secret weapon, in light of the fact that, as the late Bennett Cerf, one-time president of Random House Inc., once purportedly said to Nathaniel Brandon, "You need to toss the masses a bit of red meat now and again or they'll kill you." (Let's call that a summary, since I don't have snappy access to the book - My Years with Ayn Rand - from whence the quote came, however I am certain that my words are pretty close.)To make sure, the masses do need red meat. Marie Antoinette recommended cake, and found that her joke wasn't valued. An absence of red meat likewise incited the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Furthermore, the masses aren't opposed to ascending against anybody or whatever else that debilitates to keep them from their red meat.

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